Mercy Road Church invites you
to participate in their Golf Outing on
September 15, 2023, at Glenhurst
Golf Course. The scramble will be a
shotgun start at 9:00 a.m.
This golf outing is a fundraiser
for Mercy Road Church. All of the
proceeds greatly assist in carrying
out its mission.
The Golf Outing Committee is
dedicated to showing you, the
participant, how much your support
means to our campaign. The outing
participants will receive a gift, drink
tickets, hot dog and chips at the turn
and dinner.
Select from the different forms of
participation. We look forward to
your prompt and generous response.
Space is limited and is on a first
come/first serve basis. Please see the information below to view the event brochure and to register.
Golf Outing at Glenhurst